vertical gardens

Vertical Gardens/Green walls – Top 10 benefits

Vertical Gardens/Green walls are self-contained vertical installations affixed to a wall that comprises a medium for plants and built-in irrigation systems. Since we live in a polluted environment, it is essential to keep trees and plants that cleanse the air and make us all feel free, fresh, and energised. This article discusses Vertical gardens and their healing properties.

Vertical gardens are the best alternative for bringing us closer to nature. That is why green walls are becoming increasingly popular. It was previously reserved for commercial and residential establishments. However, as an architectural concept, they are gradually making their way into the residential environment. Surprisingly, green walls are more than just a reconnecting to nature’s architectural concept.

What are vertical gardens?

Vertical gardens are comprised of plants grown in a medium and mounted on horizontal walls with the help of a framework system. The system components are structurally assembled and secured to the wall. The system features both automated and manual watering options.

green walls
green walls

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Benefits of Vertical Gardens/ Green walls

Vertical gardens, nevertheless, are unquestionably more than just ornamental walls. Instead, vertical gardens play a significant role in enhancing both the environment and human health and well-being. Let us have a look into some of the most significant advantages of green walls

Environmental and healing benefits of vertical gardens

Plants naturally absorb carbon dioxide and contaminants before expelling fresh, clean oxygen. Likewise, Green walls, with their near-natural abilities, make us happier and more energetic. They can elevate our spirits and help us forget about the stresses of city life. Nature can effectively treat many human behaviours, including anxiety, despair, anger, tension, mental exhaustion etc. Ashrams developed around the world are lush with flora and provide excellent venues for mental recovery.

Healing benefits - Vertical gardens
Healing benefits of green walls

Architectural and visual appeal

In contrast to traditional interiors, vertical gardens are aesthetically pleasing and provide a completely distinct atmosphere. Due to the presence of living walls, the area appears bright, pleasant, and pleasing.

Energy efficiency

Outdoor green walls save energy by reducing heat transmission to interiors in locations where they are exposed to direct sunshine. Plants’ ability to transpire can serve as an energy-efficient solution and help to some extent minimise indoor heat. Transpiration is the process through which plants release water in the form of moisture or water vapour.

Acoustic properties of green walls

Vertical gardens have good acoustic qualities. High-frequency noises are absorbed by indoor green walls.

Improving air quality

Environmental contamination is the most serious problem we face today as a result of industrialization. Being close to nature can help to offset the effects of urbanisation. In addition to photosynthesis, plants are known to filter the air by absorbing harmful gases. According to studies, they can lower dangerous pollutants by roughly 25–30%.

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Recreating ecosystems.

Vertical gardens can help to restore a lost natural ecosystem in urban areas.

natural ecosystem
natural ecosystem

Biophilic effects ( productivity increase) of Vertical Gardens

Being in close vicinity to plants can improve an individual’s well-being. According to studies, even simply being in nature while working might improve job happiness. The installation of a green wall also makes employees feel more at ease with the company’s dedication to preserving a healthy work environment. Due to inadequate ventilation, chemical indoor pollutants, etc., people who work for 8 to 12 hours a day suffer a lot of discomfort. However green walls minimise such discomforts to an extent.

working environment
working environment

Leeds certification

Vertical gardens are a globally renowned green building certification (LEEDS) method. They contribute to the improvement of building design, construction, and operation. Due to its eco-sensitive and sustainable solutions in terms of water usage and ecologically friendly attributes, green walls can get LEEDS points. The LEEDS accreditation also tends to raise property values. Refer to the article “LEED certification India- A Comprehensive Guide” for additional information on LEEDS certification.

Living walls are made up of many plants that are arranged horizontally in a compact space. This can provide the maximum benefit because they take up the least amount of floor area.

Indoor and Outdoor Green walls

Vertical gardens are recommended for building interiors and, notably, building exteriors.

Outdoor Green walls

Outdoor green walls serve as decorative elements, and the plants used must be appropriate for the prevailing climate. The plants must be visually appealing, absorb rainfall, insulate structures, and be cost-effective.

Vertical gardens
Vertical gardens – architectural appeal

Indoor Vertical gardens/Green walls

Indoor plants have space, size, and species limitations, in contrast to outside plants. Only indoor plants with the capacity to purify the air will be offered as options. The device is best mounted lengthwise rather than heightwise for ease of maintenance.


Thus, it can be concluded that green walls are not just a decorative architectural idea but also an environmentally responsible, renewable, economically sensible, and accounting choice that can promote mental calm and a sense of nature’s care.