The category deals with all the details related to BE civil engineering subjects. The differences between BE and Btech are, Both are two different professional degree courses, but you get to be a civil engineer, The universities which offer the courses are different, The subjects of both degrees are not the same. Though both contain topics that impart knowledge in civil engineering, The course duration is same which is four years, there is no much difference between career opportunities. All the jobs and exams offered to a BE graduate considers BE graduates and vice versa. The objectives of the course are, To develop the basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technology students., To help learners develop their listening skills, which will, enable them listen to lectures and comprehend them by asking questions; seeking clarifications To help learners develop their speaking skills and speak fluently in real contexts, To help learners develop vocabulary of a general kind by developing their reading skills. The major outcomes are, read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers, Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and express opinions in English,  Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English, Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English. The goal of this course is to achieve conceptual understanding and to retain the best traditions of traditional calculus.  The syllabus is designed to provide the basic tools of calculus mainly for the purpose of modelling the engineering problems mathematically and obtaining solutions. To enhance the fundamental knowledge in Physics and its applications relevant to various streams of Engineering and Technology.