Noise Pollution

What Is Noise Pollution? – Causes, Effects and Prevention

Noise Pollution is an invisible danger looming around all of us along with air pollution and water pollution. According to the World Health Organization, there are 360 million persons with hearing loss globally, with 32 million of them being children. According to the European Environment Agency, noise pollution causes 72,000 hospital admissions and 16,600 premature deaths in Europe each year.

In this blog, let me walk you through noise pollution, its causes and effects. Let’s begin by understanding its definition.

Noise pollution Definition

Not every sound leads to noise pollution. Sound becomes undesirable when it disturbs or degrades one’s quality of life by interfering with routine activities such as sleep or talking.

Noise pollution is the continuous exposure to excessive sound levels that may cause harm to humans or other living beings. It is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as noise that exceeds 65 decibels (dB).

Noise becomes hazardous when it crosses 75 decibels (dB) and painful when it exceeds 120 dB. As a result, noise levels are advised to be limited to below 65 dB during the day, and nocturnal ambient noise levels to 30 dB. Noise levels greater than 30 dB make it hard to have a good night’s sleep.

Now, let’s jump into its various causes.

Noise Pollution Causes

Different kinds of sounds are always present in our surroundings. But when a particular source emits a sound of loudness exceeding the permissible limits, it leads to noise pollution. The main sources of noise pollution include the following:

  • Cars, buses, pedestrians, ambulances, and other street traffic noises.
  • Sounds generated in construction fields from drilling or other heavy machinery in operation. For instance, a pneumatic drill produces 110 dB.
  • Air traffic noise, such as planes taking off or landing in airports. A single aircraft generates130 dB.
  • Sounds from the workplace which is usually prevalent in open-space offices.
  • A continuous blast of loud music at or near commercial establishments
  • Industrial sounds which comprises of sounds from fans, generators, compressors, and mills.
  • Household sounds, such as televisions, stereos, and computers, as well as vacuum cleaners, fans, and coolers, washing machines, dishwashers, and lawnmowers.
  • Events which include fireworks, firecrackers, and loudspeakers.
  • Explosions, shootings, and other forms of warfare also contribute to noise pollution.

Why are we so concerned about all the noise around us? Well, you would understand that once you get to know about its hazardous effects. Let’s move on to it.

Noise Pollution Effects

Noise pollution effects
Noise pollution effects
  • Exposure to loud noises on a regular basis can cause eardrum damage and hearing loss. It also decreases the eardrums’ sensitivity to tiny sounds.
  • Noise pollution has been linked to aggressive behaviour, sleep disturbances, increased stress levels, and weariness.
  • It has the potential to disrupt sleep patterns.
  • Loud noise has an impact on both humans and pets. If they are exposed to loud noises over an extended period of time, they may become more aggressive.
  • Both terrestrial and aquatic species can be harmed by noise pollution. Because many land animals rely on sound to navigate and obtain food, noise pollution can make it more difficult for them to do so. Animals that use echolocation to communicate and navigate under the sea are likewise affected by underwater construction.

We can’t imagine a completely silent world. Noise generation during various activities is inevitable. Then, how do we save ourselves from its harmful effects? Read on to know some tips to keep a check on noise pollution.

Also read: What is Sewage? – Sources, Treatment and Quality Indicators

Noise Pollution Prevention

Noise Pollution Prevention
Prevention of Noise Pollution

Noise can be reduced using both engineering and administrative controls. People are shielded from the noise hazard by engineering controls. Certain pieces of equipment aid in noise reduction by confining or rerouting the noise route away from the source.

Changes in how individuals work are referred to as administrative controls. These controls are more about managing the work schedule to reduce noise effects on workers.

  • When exposed to loud environments, use earplugs.
  • Maintain a noise level of roughly 35 dB in your bedroom at night and around 40 dB during the day in your home.
  • If feasible, seek a residential location that is as far away from high traffic as possible.
  • Avoid wearing earbuds for long periods of time, especially when the volume is high.
  • If possible, stay away from jobs that expose you to high amounts of noise regularly.
  • Did you know that trees are highly effective noise absorbers and can reduce noise by 5 to 10 dB around them? Plant more trees to reduce noise levels.
  • Ensure proper lubrication as well as better maintenance of machines to improve efficiency. It helps to reduce noise by reducing friction between moving elements.
  • Choose quieter equipments. Electronically powered machinery is, on an average, quieter than diesel-powered equipment. Hydraulically powered equipments are also quieter than pneumatically driven equipment.
  • Use noise absorbing materials such as carpet, foam padding or fiberglass insulation on floors, ceilings and walls to help reduce sound reverberation.


Noise pollution has also turned into a serious threat for mankind like other forms of pollutions. But, the good thing is that it can be kept in check easily by following the above-mentioned tips. It becomes more effective with the equal participation of the government and the public.

The government can bring strict laws that include corrective measures like :

  • Sound proofing all buildings and construction sites.
  • Proper separation between residential areas and noise generating areas like airports and railway stations.
  • Creating exclusive pedestrian areas.
  • Replacing traditional asphalt with efficient options which can bring down traffic noise by up to 3 dB.

Together it’s possible to bring down noise pollution. If you wish to know more about this topic, let us know in the comments.

Happy Learning.

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