Hello, I am Jefy, a freelance content writer, and blogger. I am pursuing my M.Tech from IIT ISM, Dhanbad. I can create authentic and well-researched content that would drive visitors to your website and turn them into your customers. Right now I focus on technical blogs and SEO optimised articles. I would be more than happy to venture into other genres like health and fitness, travel, lifestyle, home decor, food recipes, etc. as I believe in exploring new arenas and opportunities. If I am not researching or writing an article I would be in the kitchen trying out all the recipes that catch my eyes on YouTube. If you are in search of some insightful and irresistible content mail me your writing requirements to jefy98aj@gmail.com.

Final year civil engineering projects- All Details with 100 sample topics!

Final year civil engineering projects -major topics in structural, hydraulics, environmental, geotechnical and transportation engineering. – Importance of final year projects are, 1.They open the window to your interest after graduation 2. You get to participate in a team and improve leadership skills etc. And things to consider before you start doing the team project

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